
The Submission Period Is Now Closed

ASHG gratefully acknowledges the expertise, hard work, and dedication of the 2024 Reviewers.

Members and nonmembers are encouraged to submit their latest research for programming at the ASHG 2024 Annual Meeting. Findings should be novel and represent a significant advance in the field. They may include trials-in-progress, case reports, and narrative reviews. Thousands of abstracts will be accepted and programmed either as oral presentations or poster presentations. Selections for oral presentation are assigned to one of three Plenary Sessions or one of 66 concurrent Platform Sessions. These speaking slots are prioritized for abstracts presenting exciting, mature work.

Submissions may also make you eligible for the Trainee Research Excellence AwardsResource-Limited Country Travel Awards, and the Human Genetics Scholars Initiative! Additionally, The American Journal of Human Genetics (AJHG) and Human Genetics and Genomics Advances (HGGA) have agreed to send for peer review all manuscripts that report the findings presented by ASHG members in a plenary or platform talk at ASHG 2024. Note that acceptance is not guaranteed.

Need help making a case to submit your science? Use our justification letter template to guide your conversation with your lab head or Principal Investigator

Submission Fees
ASHG Member Abstract Fee: $0
Nonmember Abstract Fee: $50 USD (Become a Member)
Resource-Limited Country Abstract Fee: $0 with promo code

  • If you reside in an eligible country, you will receive a promo code via email on the date the submission site opens in late April. If you have not received a code and live in an eligible country, please contact meetings@ashg.org.

There is a nonrefundable processing fee for each abstract submitted. However, current 2024 ASHG members can submit their abstract at no cost. Read more about our abstract fee policies. The abstract submission fee does not include meeting registration.

Submission Guidelines and Policies

  • The submitting author must be the first (presenting) author.
  • Abstracts must be the original work of the submitting author.
  • An individual may be first (presenting) author of only one abstract.
  • There is no limit to the number of times an individual may appear as co-author on abstracts.
  • Co-authors do not receive communication related to the abstract. First (presenting) authors are responsible for coordinating communication with co-authors.
  • The first (presenting) author must present the gene symbol and/or name the identified marker at the meeting if you are reporting the mapping, linkage, or association of a locus to a phenotype.
  • If substitution of the first (presenting) author becomes necessary, you must inform ASHG by emailing meetings@ashg.org upon confirmation of your abstract acceptance. Substitution is not allowed without prior written approval.
  • Authors who fail to notify ASHG that they cannot attend may not be invited to present at future meetings.
  • Duplicate abstracts are not permitted regardless of changes in authorship order. Abstracts suspected to be duplicates may be rejected during the review process.
  • Please note that due to U.S. OFAC comprehensive sanctions, the following countries are ineligible to submit an abstract or receive ASHG Resource Limited Travel Awards or ASHG Trainee Research Excellence Awards: Iran; Cuba; Russia; Syria; Dem. People’s Rep of Korea (North Korea); and the Crimea, Donetsk, and Luhansk regions of Ukraine.
Abstract Categories
  • Tracks are used to categorize the focus of the session. Submitters must choose one of the following tracks that best fits their abstract: Basic or Translational Research; Clinical Research; Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion; Ethical, Legal, and Social Issues; Teaching or Education; or Other.
  • Topics allow the Program Committee to accurately review abstract submissions. Submitters must choose one main topic that best fits their abstract from the provided list of topics.
  • Keywords aid in the review process and determine placement of the abstract in a session. Submitters must choose at least one, but no more than five, keywords from the provided list of keywords.
  • Selection of a primary audience is used to assist tagging programmed abstracts for attendees to find suitable sessions to attend. Submitters must choose one of the following primary audiences for their abstract: Clinicians; Educators; Genetic Counselors; Researchers; Trainees; Other.
Prior Publication

A major goal of the ASHG Annual Meeting is to showcase leading-edge research that is new to the field and appears in an international forum for the first time. If the findings in this abstract submission have been or will be published elsewhere prior to June 10, 2024, authors should make clear what new information will be presented.

  • It is the authors’ responsibility to update the submission concerning any acceptances that occur before the submission deadline of June 10.
  • For abstracts that are previously published, authors are strongly encouraged to describe any advancement beyond published work that will be presented.
  • At time of assigning platform talks, the Program Committee will independently verify whether there is a publication available with an acceptance date before June 10. Failure to disclose prior publication will result in abstracts being deprioritized for oral presentation in plenary or platform sessions.

For purposes of this policy, “previously published” means:

  1. Accepted for peer-reviewed publication, or
  2. Accepted for oral presentation at other conferences.

Material posted on a preprint server is NOT considered previously published.

Research in Human Subjects
  • ASHG endorses the protections embodied in the principles of the Declaration of Helsinki and the Belmont Report, and their expansion in the regulations governing research supported by the U.S. Government (45 CFR Part 46).
  • ASHG does not endorse and will not publish the results of research that was not conducted in accordance with these principles.
  • Investigations involving animals reported in abstracts must have been conducted in conformance with approved principles of the care and use of animals in research.
Conditions of Submission

Submitting authors must agree to the following conditions:

  • I am submitting this abstract with the intent of attending and presenting my work in person at the American Society of Human Genetics Annual Meeting being held November 5-9, 2024, in Denver, CO. I understand that if I do not register as a scientific registrant (exhibitor only registrations are not eligible) and attend in person, my abstract may be withdrawn and my opportunity to present in Denver, CO, forfeited. I understand that ASHG is not making any commitments to host virtual or hybrid content formats and reserves the right, at its sole discretion, to make adjustments to presentation format and style.
  • I understand that in submitting an abstract, I am authorizing ASHG to contact me about its Annual Meeting, including the status of my abstract.
  • I will submit only one abstract as first author.
  • I understand that I may only serve as presenting author for one accepted presentation, including Featured Symposia.
  • I understand that as first author, I must notify all authors of any and all correspondence relating to this abstract submission.
  • I confirm that each co-author has been informed of this abstract submission and has agreed to all information as it was submitted.
  • I verify that any reported human participants research was conducted with participants’ voluntary, informed consent, with approval by an appropriate research ethics committee, and consistent with the principles of research ethics, such as those described in the Declaration of Helsinki, and the Belmont Report.
  • Presenting Author Disclosure: If my abstract is accepted as a platform or plenary (oral) presentation, I understand that I must include a conflict-of-interest slide as part of my presentation and that I must provide verbal and written disclosures to attendees.
  • Presenting Author Disclosure: If my abstract is accepted as a platform or plenary (oral) presentation, I agree to use generic names (i.e., non-branded names) in my presentation as much as possible. Specific products of ineligible companies will neither be promoted nor disparaged. The content of my presentation will not contain advertisements for a specific product, company, and/or service nor contain any logos of an ineligible company. In addition, I agree to disclose on the required disclosure slide any unlabeled/unapproved uses of drugs or products referenced in my presentation.
Publication and Citation

Accepted abstracts will be available in mid-September in the Online Planner. At this time, your abstract and all information will become a matter of public record and may be referenced by ASHG, media relations staff, and others.

The following is a suggested style for citing ASHG Meeting abstracts:

Example Only
Simpson R.S., Barnes P., Disruption of the microRNA pathway; (Abstract/Program #X). Presented at the Annual Meeting of The American Society of Human Genetics, Date, Location, (e.g., November 6, 2024, in Denver, CO)

Licensing Agreement/Copyright Policy

Authors of submitted abstracts agreed to the American Society of Human Genetics licensing agreement/copyright policy:

The author grants ASHG a nonexclusive, perpetual, worldwide license to copy, reproduce and publish the abstract in ASHG’s online or print publication of ASHG abstracts and/or other compilations or collective works to be assembled and owned by ASHG (together, “Collective Works”) in any form or medium now existing or hereafter created throughout the world. The submitting author understands and agrees that ASHG shall own all rights, including copyright, in and to the Collective Works including the right to:

  1. Distribute, reproduce, license, display, perform, lend, lease, or transfer rights to the Collective Works to third parties,
  2. Prepare derivative works of the Collective Works, and
  3. Register the Collective Works in ASHGs own name with the U.S. Copyright Office.

It is understood that the submitting author and/or third parties with copyrights shall retain copyright in and to the abstract contributed by the submitting author to a Collective Work. The submitting author affirms that he/she is the author and owner of the abstract and holds all copyrights in and to the abstract, or has secured any third party permissions necessary to grant ASHG the above rights. The submitting author is responsible for providing any related third party with a copy of this grant of rights.

Note: The submitting author has copyright to the individual abstract, so permission to use material derived from the abstract (other than citation) must be obtained from that author.

Embargo Policy

ASHG aims to encourage presentation of the latest findings and enable responsible and quality reporting of those findings by press in attendance. Though the press may contact authors prior to the presentation for more information, any resulting articles or other press items cannot be released until the work is presented at the meeting.

General rules to follow:

  • Abstract title and author names: Can be released at any time.
  • Abstract text: Can only be released after the meeting program (with the abstract text) is made public. Linking to the abstract text on the ASHG website is suggested.
  • Findings outlined in the abstract (whether a poster or oral presentation): Can only be released after the presentation has occurred.

If you have any questions about this, please contact press@ashg.org.

Abstract Review and Notification

After the June 10 deadline, abstracts will be reviewed by the Program Committee (PC), plus three independent reviewers for each topic category.

The Committee programs abstracts as follows:

  • Topic categories must be selected by abstract submitters but may be reassigned during review by the PC to ensure appropriate expert review.
  • Each reviewer scores the abstracts independently, without knowledge of the name(s) and institution(s) of the submitter(s) or the scores given by the other reviewers.
  • In July, the PC meets to assign abstracts to plenary, platform, and poster sessions based on the cumulative score as well as the impact of the science and the balance of topics for ASHG’s multi-disciplinary audience.
    • The top-scoring abstracts are considered for inclusion in the plenary sessions.
    • Approximately 300 abstracts are selected for platform sessions.
    • The remaining accepted abstracts are assigned to posters, and the top-scoring poster abstracts are awarded the Reviewers’ Choice designation.
  • The PC reserves the right to reject abstracts that lack scientific content or merit, lack human genetics research and/or data, or that merely announce the availability of a resource or service.
  • Abstract acceptance notifications will be sent to authors in early August.



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