Human Genetics and Genomics Advances (HGG Advances)

The American Society of Human Genetics (ASHG) announced in May 2020 the launch of Human Genetics and Genomics Advances, a new journal dedicated to providing a high-quality, fully open access publication option that also serves the rapid expansion of discoveries in human genetics and genomics. Corresponding authors of HGG Advances who are members at the time the manuscript is sent to press receive a 20% on article processing charges ($2,640 for members; $3,300 for nonmembers).

HGG Advances publishes across the complete spectrum of human genetics and genomics research. Its mission is to build the human genetics and genomics knowledge base, and it is a home for a wide range of research that meets ASHG’s enduring standards for scientific rigor, validity, and reproducibility. The journal offers rapid review and considers direct submissions as well as offers prompt, easy transfer of manuscripts from AJHG . Read more about the establishment of HGG Advances.

Aims and Scope

HGG Advances is an important addition to the ASHG family of journals. It offers researchers a home for a wide variety of research findings and formats and is committed to prompt dissemination of results through timely peer review, continuous online publication, and innovation in responding to the human genetics and genomics community’s needs as the field evolves.

Editorial Process

Are you interested in submitting your work to HGG Advances? All submissions are initially evaluated in depth by the editors. Manuscripts that meet the general criteria for publication will be sent to at least two reviewers who have agreed in advance to assess the paper rapidly. The editors will make every effort to reach decisions within 4 weeks of the submission date. If revisions are a condition of publication, generally 4 weeks are allowed for revisions and only one revised version of the paper is considered. Accepted manuscripts are published  within 1 week of acceptance. Issues are published on a quarterly basis.


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