Nascent Transcript

The Postdoc Hunt (Part 2)

In part 1 of this series, we discussed landing an interview. Now what? Many professors first Skype with prospective candidates before inviting them for an interview. It is highly recommended that you have an in-person interview before you join a lab—you want to have the chance to see if the lab and its environment are a... Read More

Sharing the Struggle of Mental Health in Academia

Written by Nascent Transcript writer Kathryn Vaillancourt It was four years into grad school that I started to realise the extent of the negative impact that academia was having on my mental health. A report had just been published suggesting one in three PhD students was at risk of developing a common psychiatric disorder like major depression... Read More

Adjusting Your Research Data for Time-of-Day Effects

Adjusting Your Research Data for Time-of-Day Effects

Written by Nascent Transcript writer Sandra Smieszek Circadian rhythms affect most aspects of human physiology including sleeping, waking, alertness, optimal treatment regimens, and cognitive and physical performance. A chronotype indicates a person’s circadian rhythm, with morningness and eveningness, which describe the likelihood to sleep at an earlier or later time of night. The importance of... Read More

The Postdoc Hunt (Part 1)

Beginning to think of a postdoc? The unorganized nature of this process can be challenging to understand, especially since it can vary among fields. As I began my applications for postdocs in genomics 1.5 years ago, I relied on pointers from multiple trainees who had successfully navigated the process. In part 1 of this two-part... Read More

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