ASHG is excited to welcome attendees back in-person to Los Angeles for ASHG’s 2022 Annual Meeting, October 25-29. Abstract submission will open for ASHG 2022 in April with registration opening in May! ASHG 2022 will be an unmatched opportunity to reunite and reconnect with your colleagues in a warm, diverse, and welcoming city.
Outstanding Science is at the Heart of the Program. The latest research is always front and center at ASHG and it won’t be the same without yours. So, start planning now for your abstract submission (see below for 5 helpful hints)! The Program Committee is already assembling an exciting program of invited sessions submitted by your peers that highlight emerging research and novel applications on a variety of topics to meet our attendees’ diverse education needs. The Presidential Symposium organized by ASHG President Charles Rotimi will focus on African genomics to highlight this continent’s major advances, new directions and goals, emerging scientific leadership, exciting investment in technology infrastructure, and more. The world’s largest genetics and genomics exhibit and poster hall will be an unmatched place to explore the latest tools and technologies to advance your research as well as a place to connect and collaborate, seek career guidance, learn about job opportunities in the field or browse posters showcasing the latest research from around the globe.
Health and Safety: Recognizing important health and safety considerations, ASHG is actively monitoring COVID-19 policies. The event will include the latest appropriate protocols to create a safe environment. This will include verification of an up-to-date vaccination. ASHG’s FAQ page and other communications will be updated regularly as we announce and expand on any additional policies, including mask-wearing policies, in keeping with health trends at the time, so stay tuned. Also, recognizing that not all ASHG community members may be able to travel due to restrictions or personal health considerations, the Society will provide remote viewing for some core plenary events such as the Presidential Symposium and Presidential Address, while also providing ways to access and engage with the content after the live Los Angeles event.
A Beautiful Venue: L.A. serves as an unmatched venue and a perfect backdrop for a long-awaited reunion. L.A. features beautiful beaches, a wide range of dining, shopping, cultural and entertainment options, as well as countless days of sunshine each year.

- Abstract submission site will open in April 2022
- Registration will open in May 2022
- Hotel reservations will open in June 2022
- Deadline to submit an abstract: June 9, 2022.
Helpful Hints: As you, your colleagues, or trainees begin thinking about attendance and decisions on submitting an abstract to present at this year’s meeting here are 5 helpful things to keep in mind while you plan:
- Why should you submit? By submitting an abstract to present at the meeting, you will benefit from a creative, idea-generating environment by getting feedback from global experts, sparking ideas through conversation, and forging collaborations across institutions and disciplines.
- Start thinking about a focus for your abstract. Speaking slots are prioritized for abstracts presenting exciting, mature work. Findings should be novel and represent a significant advance in the field.
- Seek Your Colleagues’ Input. Colleagues on your project will have valuable insights on how you describe the impact of the work and key findings. By submitting an abstract, you’re confirming that your co-authors have been informed and approve the content.
- Plan ahead if you are new to ASHG’s annual meeting. We look forward to welcoming you in Los Angeles! Be sure to check ASHG’s website frequently for updates!
- Get Started! Check out our abstract guide video on YouTube for additional pointers and tips on how to plan, write, and format your abstract.
“Submitting an abstract is a great way to get noticed by your colleagues, build your career and experience, and meet collaborators across disciplines.”
– ASHG Program Committee Chair, Erica Davis, PhD
Don’t forget: Submitting an abstract can also make you eligible for the Epstein Trainee Research Awards, Developing Country Awards, and the Human Genetics Scholars Initiative!