1st Place: Megan Xie, Grade 12

2024 DNA Day Essay Contest Winners

Congratulations to our winners and thank you to all who participated. Happy DNA Day! 2024 Winners 1st Place: Megan Xie, Grade 12 Teacher: Mrs. Margot Bram School: Lower Moreland High School Location: Huntingdon Vy, Pennsylvania 2nd Place: Macey Hunter, Grade 12 Teacher: Ms. Cameron Simpkins School: Fayetteville High School Location: Fayetteville, Arkansas 3rd Place: Justin Lin, Grade 11 Teacher: Ms. Kailin... Read More

ASHG 2024 Logo

2024 DNA Day Essay Contest: Full Essays

1st Place: Megan Xie, Grade 12 Teacher: Mrs. Margot Bram School: Lower Moreland High School Location: Huntingdon Vy, Pennsylvania The early years of genetics centered around the central dogma of biology, the theory that genes in our DNA encode RNA to make proteins. Proteins execute a broad range of functions that include gene regulation, forming a biological cycle that powers... Read More

Attending Scientific Meetings on a Budget

Attending Scientific Meetings on a Budget

ASHG 2024 will be here before you know it! Sessions are being crafted, workshops organized, exhibits developed, and people from around the world are preparing to gather in Denver, CO from November 5-9 to discuss the newest, most exciting research in human genetics. Ask Your Institution Some institutions build professional development into their annual budget, so... Read More

Karen Conneely, PhD is an Associate Professor in the Department of Human Genetics at Emory University. Nicholas Johnson, PhD was a predoctoral student in the Population Biology, Ecology, and Evolution Graduate Program at Emory University while this work was being completed. He is now employed as a Mathematical Statistician at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

Inside AJHG: A Chat with Karen Conneely and Nicholas Johnson

Posted By: Kylee Spencer, PhD, Assistant Editor, AJHG KS: What motivated you to start working on this project? KC: We were intrigued by the promise of single-cell DNA methylation data for a number of reasons, including the ability to more directly examine allele-specific methylation associated with germline or somatic variants. Single-cell approaches for DNA methylation... Read More

Inside HGG Advances: A Chat with Tianyu Zhang

Posted By: HGG Advances HGGA: What motivated you to start working on this project? TZ: As a researcher with biostatistics training, I feel it is crucial to get my hands on real-world data to validate the efficiency of many methods that people develop on paper or whiteboards. My advisor kindly offered me this opportunity! HGGA:... Read More

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