Bioinformatics and Computational Methods SIG Seminar


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Join members of the Bioinformatics & Computational Approaches SIG for this SIG seminar. In this webinar, Paul W. Hook, PhD, former leader of the Bioinformatics SIG, provides insight into his current work using cleavage under targets and release using nuclease (CUT&RUN) to measure protein-DNA binding with nanopore sequencing. Dr. Hook will introduce CUT&RUN, detail computational analysis while highlighting software used, present results, and explain how this method may be used in the future. A time for Q&A will follow the presentation.
The focus of the Bioinformatics & Computational Methods SIG is on computational approaches for analyzing and interpreting genetics and genomics data. Topics include statistical genetics methods, polygenic risk scores, GWAS, RNA-seq, ATAC-seq, and much more.

Overview of Presentation

  • Introduce CUT&RUN and outline a typical CUT&RUN analysis pipeline
  • Highlight how typical CUT&RUN analysis was adapted to CUT&RUN performed with nanopore sequencing
  • Emphasize potential future uses of this method

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